Sunday, November 6, 2011

New every morning

Finally. After 7 years, several trips overseas, and a few bug bites I finally got it: Malaria. Malaria, for those of you who do not know, is a common disease here in africa. It is a parasite infection carried from person to person through masquitos. It takes about 7-10 days for symptoms to begin. It is diagnosed through a blood smear visualized on microscope. It has a slow onset with a variety of symptoms, including fever, body aches, GI symptoms, fatigue, and anemia. It is treated with readily available medications bought at the chemistry in town. So this morning while everyone packed up and left for churches, I stayed bed...unshowered...achey...and a irritated that I couldn't go. Surrounded by my antimalaria meds, motrin, pepsid, and of course a little I am.

My lesson today is not a new one...just one I don't think I have completely grasped.

It is by God and God alone that I live and breath and have my being. It is him who gives me strength to do all getting out of bed!

Easy to say, more difficult to live out. My prayer today is that in all things I can see God and know for certain that He is my strength. And not just for me, but for you. May God give you the assurance today that He is in all things and that through him you may find his strength to face whatever is before you.

Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wair for him."


  1. Thanks Jerilynn I needed to hear that this morning. God has totally been teaching me that I can only do things with His strength over the past two years now. I am so thankful for you and others who have been encouraging me along the way. It is something God has to continue to remind me, but when I look back I cannot deny his faithfulness. He has seen me through each new symptom He is my strength. I hope that you get feeling better Jerilynn I have been praying for you and I miss you. <3 Traci

  2. Thanks for this gentle reminder, I'm still a work in progress with this too. Hope you're doing better today and getting out of bed gets easier :)

  3. There is no greater way to be filled than to let Him and Him only be our portion! Great post Jerilynn we are praying for you and the team.
