Waking up at 4 am may not seem like a blessing, but it was for me today. I got up early to finish some grad work and completed everything by 5 am. The building still quiet, which is uncommon around here with 17 college students. So I headed outside to the table to spend some quiet time. My reading today started in 2Timothy. The students were on my heart. I was feeling burden to give them direction for these last 3 weeks here in Zambia. God reminded me again that it is through His power that all things will be done according to His will here in Zambia. I had almost 2 hours before anyone else was up. I spent time in His word, walking the grounds, singing, and just feeling so thankful for the blessings in my life.

And that was all before we even left for church. We attended a small village church and again was just reminded of Gods love and faithfulness. After the service, it is tradition to greet each person and shake hands. The bigger the attendence, the longer the line. A picture of Gods' people making relationships a priority.
I know whom I have believed and am convinced
that he is able to guard
what I have entrusted to him for that day.
2 Tim 1:12
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