I rejoice in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. Philippines 4:10
Sometimes things just wear out: my favorite pair of running shoes, those jeans that fit just right. Some things run out: laundry detergent with 5 loads still left, peppermint ice cream that I was saving to eat… but what about my concern. I am concerned for the person in front of me when I am hearing their story or seeing their pain, but what happens when they leave? Is my concern wearing out? Am I empty of acknowledgement of the injustice that is happening around me?
This week we are staying at the Macha Malaria Institute where we have had the opportunity to care for a family that has gone through tragedy. A young woman, eight months pregnant, and her 2 year old were locked in her home by her husbands’ girlfriend and the home was set on fire. The students cared for the child and his second and third degree burns last week. He passed away over the weekend. The young woman lost her 8month old fetus and does not yet know the fate of her other child. She has little support and no means to obtain justice. I am wrecked; broken by her pain and at a loss for words to express my deep sorrow for her.
How long will this last: 6 months, a year. How long before I forget about my brothers and sisters on the other side of the globe and their deep suffering?
I am rejoicing at the opportunity to “show concern” to those in Zambia who have such great suffering and I am determined with this renewed concern to not forget.
thanks for sharing and being real...can't even fathom this woman's grief as a mom...praying for you, for God to continue to use you in lives such as hers...wisdom to know what to say or to just be there to offer hope in such injustice