If I could, there is one thing I would change about myself. I would change my “first impression”. This probably sounds strange. I first heard the word “intimidating” about 18 years ago when we were serving in a church in Michigan. I went to a girls night out at one of the ladies houses that attended the church. Overall, the night was fun. We played cards, ate food, and laughed. Towards the end of the night, one of the ladies said, “ You know, I never thought I could like someone like you but you are a lot of fun. You were so intimidating but now I think you are really nice.” And yes, I remember the conversation like it was yesterday. Not because it is unique, but because I have had several conversations over the last 18 years that have resembled this… “ I was so intimidated by you” or “ I was too nervous to talk to you”.
I have really worked hard to change this about myself. I have asked God to make me “more nice” and “more approachable” and “less intimidating” but it doesn’t seem to be working. Today, again, I am reminded of this “impression” I leave and am just at a loss for what else I can do. I need to be real. I need to be who I am. But is this impression that I am leaving showing Christ in me. Are people able to see past this to my brokenness and submissive spirit?
Out of obedience this morning, I am writing this. We all have struggles, things that we would love to change about ourselves. Things that we think would make us more Christ-like. This morning I am reminded by God that He loves me despite my weakness. He created me uniquely. He wants me to be who I am, continuing to strive to be more like him. To walk with Him in humbleness, brokenness, and open to hear his leading in all I do and who he is creating me to be.
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy- to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.
Jude 1:24-25
This is Twambo. He has been such a blessing to me. Everytime we show up at the childrens home, he runs to us with open arms shouting "Auntie!"...not intimidated, just loving us and us loving them! So thankful for his uninhibited love!